Learn the Secret to Nurturing Your Body, Mind, and

Spirit to the Fullest!

Note: This quiz invites you to meditate on who you are at your core, so don't rush through it.

It may take you longer than other online quizzes, but the results will be worth it, I promise!

Set aside 10 to 15 minutes and give yourself permission to take it slow.

What Type Of Dosha Are You?

Your dosha is what Ayurveda calls your elemental nature, dominant body type, or core constitution (aka your Prakruti).

I call it your Ayurvedic blueprint because it’s ultimately a map of your Self.

Similar to astrology, your dosha is “set” the moment you’re born, when you take your first breath. It’s who you are at your core - elementally and energetically.

Unlike astrology, your dosha is physiological, genetic, hereditary, and karmic. It’s who you were meant to be since the beginning of time!

Your dosha type holds the key to your well being and guides you to understand the elemental forces that rule your body, mind, and spirit.

When you have Ayurveda on your side, bringing your body and your LIFE back into balance becomes possible and pleasurable – no matter what’s gone awry.

What Makes Your Dosha Unique

Your Dosha Shapes You. Specifically:
  • Your Natural Tendencies, Including What You Crave and Why

  • Your Personality

  • Your Energy & Stamina

  • Your Spiritual & Emotional Tendencies

  • How Your Mind Works

  • Your Memory, Sleep Patterns, & Temperament

What Makes Your Dosha Unique

Your Dosha Shapes You. Specifically:
  • Your Natural Tendencies, Including What You Crave and Why

  • Your Personality

  • Your Energy & Stamina

  • Your Spiritual & Emotional Tendencies

  • How Your Mind Works

  • Your Memory, Sleep Patterns, & Temperament

Your energetic design is unique to YOU.

The way you express your constitution is one of a kind and unrepeatable.

So even if you already have a sense of your elemental body type, this Dosha Quiz will help you deepen your understanding of Ayurveda and how your Dosha impacts your life.

Understanding your Dosha is like having a wise inner compass. It’s invaluable self-knowledge that helps you find balance again and again, anytime your health strays off course.

That’s why it’s so empowering to glean this information and make it your own.

Learn the Key to your Most Vital Self Now.

So even if you already have a sense of your elemental body type, this Dosha Quiz will help you deepen your understanding of Ayurveda and how your Dosha impacts your life.

Understanding your Dosha is like having a wise inner compass. It’s invaluable self-knowledge that helps you find balance again and again, anytime your health strays off course.

That’s why it’s so empowering to glean this information and make it your own.

Learn the Key to your Most Vital Self Now.

About This Dosha Quiz

Anyone can have ANY imbalance. But you only have one true nature.

Your truest nature – who you are in your highest state of health, joy, and vitality – is the most balanced and beautiful version of who you already are.

To discover your dosha is an “aha” moment! So I want to give you a map... one that’s open enough to spark your curiosity for more, yet precise enough to give you immediate steps for better energy and wellness.

When you know your Ayurvedic blueprint, you unearth simple, inspiring ways to nurture your body, mind, and spirit to the fullest.

Observation leads to contemplation. Which leads to mindfulness, which leads to understanding.

Think of this quiz as an invitation to know yourself better and investigate the spark that is YOU. This isn’t your mind trying to solve a problem. It’s an opportunity to see yourself in a new and powerful way.

Knowing your dosha will help you make better choices for your physical, mental, and emotional health - and your life.

Ready to discover yours? Let’s do this.

Keep These Helpful Tips In Mind When You Take The Dosha Quiz

Tip #1: Answer Questions From as Far Back as You Can Remember

Your body type, your Prakruti (core constitution) doesn’t change. It was set the moment you took your first breath and it stays with you for a lifetime.

If you answer most of the questions from as far back as you can remember – as close to your birth as possible – you’ll identify your true body type.

As opposed to imbalances you’ve collected over years of living, eating, working, experiencing life, trauma, and all that comes with being human.

Your current imbalances can masquerade as your core constitution if you’re not careful. So this first step is important. It's meant to help you distinguish between what’s always been true for you (your Prakruti) and what’s current.

Answer most of the questions from how you’ve always tended to be, not only what’s been symptomatic for you the past 2, 5, 10 years or more.

I want to help you separate your core constitution from your current imbalances. Likely, the two are not the same. Here are some examples...

  • If you were very thin as a child, but now you’re overweight, answer the questions from your perspective as a child, teen, or young adult. Were you thin, light, and possibly cold or dry?

  • If your body temperature used to run hot but now you're always cold, answer questions from the perspective of how you used to be. Were you hot, frustrated, and possibly oily?

  • If you were plump as a child and now you’re muscular, answer questions from your earliest body perspective. Were you full-bodied, heavy-set, or lazy?

  • If you can’t remember your childhood, that’s OK. Think about how you were as an adolescent, teenager, or even in your early twenties.

Tip #2: Don’t Overthink it

Trust yourself, trust the answers that come, and follow your gut.

If you’re unsure about a question, skip it and come back to it. Trust yourself when you're stuck on a particular answer - if it feels

confusing, the answer probably doesn't apply to you. Leave it and move on.

Answer what you can with confidence and keep going. If you’re stumped, I’ve got resources for you beyond this quiz that will help

you determine your Prakruti with confidence.

Tip #3: There’s No Wrong Way to Take this Quiz

If you’re new to Ayurveda, this is a great place to start learning! Be gentle with yourself and detach yourself from getting “the right answer.”

Ayurveda is a vast life science that takes time and effort to grow into. Do your best, answer every question, and receive your results with curiosity.

You might find that you’re predominantly one Dosha physically, and another one mentally or emotionally. The possibilities are endless.

Your Dosha is the one that most energetically influences who you are: physically, mentally and emotionally.

Tip #4: Meditate, Contemplate and Reflect

This quiz is designed to help you discover your Prakruti – your core constitution, the “blood song” you’ve had since birth. Your birth pulse is distinct from your Vikruti (present imbalances).

You’ll get the best outcome when you meditate, contemplate, and reflect on the qualities that have always been true for you – from as far back as you can remember.

What are your natural tendencies? What have you tended towards in the past? What's part of your genetic makeup?

Perhaps, symptomatically, everything changed for you five years ago... and now you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60's. Don’t answer the quiz questions from how you feel now, or how you’ve felt over the past five years alone. Go back further and reflect on how you’ve always tended to feel.

Tip #1: Answer Questions From as Far Back as You Can Remember

Your body type, your Prakruti (core constitution) doesn’t change. It was set the moment you took your first breath and it stays with you for a lifetime.

If you answer most of the questions from as far back as you can remember – as close to your birth as possible – you’ll identify your true body type.

As opposed to imbalances you’ve collected over years of living, eating, working, experiencing life, trauma, and all that comes with being human.

Your current imbalances can masquerade as your core constitution if you’re not careful. So this first step is important. It's meant to help you distinguish between what’s always been true for you (your Prakruti) and what’s current.

Answer most of the questions from how you’ve always tended to be, not only what’s been symptomatic for you the past 2, 5, 10 years or more.

I want to help you separate your core constitution from your current imbalances. Likely, the two are not the same. Here are some examples...

  • If you were very thin as a child, but now you’re overweight, answer the questions from your perspective as a child, teen, or young adult. Were you thin, light, and possibly cold or dry?

  • If your body temperature used to run hot but now you're always cold, answer questions from the perspective of how you used to be. Were you hot, frustrated, and possibly oily?

  • If you were plump as a child and now you’re muscular, answer questions from your earliest body perspective. Were you full-bodied, heavy-set, or lazy?

  • If you can’t remember your childhood, that’s OK. Think about how you were as an adolescent, teenager, or even in your early twenties.

Tip #2: Don’t Overthink it

Trust yourself, trust the answers that come, and follow your gut.

If you’re unsure about a question, skip it and come back to it. Trust yourself when you're stuck on a particular answer - if it feels confusing, the answer probably doesn't apply to you. Leave it and move on.

Answer what you can with confidence and keep going. If you’re stumped, I’ve got resources for you beyond this quiz that will help you determine your Prakruti with confidence.

Tip #3: There’s No Wrong Way to Take this Quiz

If you’re new to Ayurveda, this is a great place to start learning! Be gentle with yourself and detach yourself from getting “the right answer.”

Ayurveda is a vast life science that takes time and effort to grow into. Do your best, answer every question, and receive your results with curiosity.

You might find that you’re predominantly one Dosha physically, and another one mentally or emotionally. The possibilities are endless.

Your Dosha is the one that most energetically influences who you are: physically, mentally and emotionally.

Tip #4: Meditate, Contemplate and Reflect

This quiz is designed to help you discover your Prakruti – your core constitution, the “blood song” you’ve had since birth. Your birth pulse is distinct from your Vikruti (present imbalances).

You’ll get the best outcome when you meditate, contemplate, and reflect on the qualities that have always been true for you – from as far back as you can remember.

What are your natural tendencies? What have you tended towards in the past? What's part of your genetic makeup?

Perhaps, symptomatically, everything changed for you five years ago... and now you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, or 60's. Don’t answer the quiz questions from how you feel now, or how you’ve felt over the past five years alone. Go back further and reflect on how you’ve always tended to feel.

Confused? It's OK.

Dosha Quizzes are NOT 100% accurate assessment tools

Dosha quizzes are a call to explore your constitutional nature; a way to learn about yourself as you learn Ayurveda.

Understanding your dosha will become a part of who you are, eventually. If you're not sure about the result you get from this quiz, it's OK.

Not everyone figures out their core constitution through a dosha quiz. Your birth pulse may be complex (like mine). When that’s the case, you need a practitioner and teacher to guide you. That was my path and honestly, I see it all the time with my clients and students.

I couldn't have figured out all this stuff on my own and I'm grateful I've had a teacher PLUS an Ayurvedic path to learn from all these years.

Remember - everyone alive possesses some attributes of all three doshas. This quiz is going to help you dive in, discern, and discover what’s paramount for you.

You've got this. Let’s go!